Greenhills School Completion Programme
Holy Spirit Senior Primary School makes up one of four schools involved in Greenhills School Completion Programme. The School Completion Programme (SCP) is a targeted programme of support for primary and post primary children and young people who have been identified as potentially at risk of early school leaving or who are out of school. The SCP Programme is a programme to support children and young people who are at risk of early school leaving and students at school going age who are not currently attending school.
The SCP is one of three strands of Tusla Education Support Service (TESS) and work with students to improve attendance, improve participation and improved retention of students so they can reach their full potential in education.
Some of the Interventions Greenhills SCP offer in Holy Spirit Senior Primary School are:
- Breakfast clubs
- After-school clubs
- Transition Programmes
- Out of School Support
- Supports during school term breaks.
- Individual and small group needs based support.
- Botvin lifeskills training
Referrals to Greenhills SCP come through Holy Spirit Senior Primary School Care Team.
Contact Information for Greenhills School Completion Programme:
Co-ordinator: Eleanor Mc Wey
Phone Number: 087 622 9020 Email:
Project Workers:
Beth Kellaghan
Pilar Landaluce
Orla Gildea