Learning at Home
In the event a class is asked to remain at home, each class will check in with their teacher every morning on Google Meet and will then be set work on Google Classroom. Students will receive four subjects each day with videos and materials explaining the concept and work assigned. In the afternoon, classes will check in again with their teacher for feedback and correction (where possible).
Your child's class teacher will communicate the times of the morning and afternoon calls with you.
We are very aware of the very different circumstances our families face and understand it won't be possible for some pupils to attend all Google Meet sessions or complete every Google Classroom assignment. We would encourage pupils to attend as much as possible but we understand how difficult this can be depending on each family's situation.
Like last year we will put extra resources on our school website for those who want them. These links are available here. We have put instructions on how to access Google Classroom on a Playstation or Xbox in case there are not enough devices in your home. The link is here
A reminder of the school's rules for online meetings can be found

Remote Learning Guidelines for Parents and Guardians